Friday, March 30, 2012

Reporting services and microsoft exchange on the same computer

could u say if there would be a problem with reporting services and
microsoft exchange running on the same computerThere is no reason this shouldn't work, but just evaluate whether your
server can cope with the expected loads from the two apps.
Dale wrote:
> could u say if there would be a problem with reporting services and
> microsoft exchange running on the same computer|||Just keep on eye on the resource usage - see if CPU is consistently high, or
there is lots of paging.
Basically it depends on usage of both applications.
"Dale" wrote:
> could u say if there would be a problem with reporting services and
> microsoft exchange running on the same computer|||Thank you. Are there any known issues with Windows Server 2003 SP1?
"Mary Bray [SQL Server MVP]" wrote:
> Just keep on eye on the resource usage - see if CPU is consistently high, or
> there is lots of paging.
> Basically it depends on usage of both applications.
> "Dale" wrote:
> > could u say if there would be a problem with reporting services and
> > microsoft exchange running on the same computer

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