Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Reporting off of a Database Mirror


I have created an asynchronous database mirror and a snapshot of the mirrored database similar to what is described in the following article:


The article says that once you create the mirror that "At this point, new client connections can be programmatically directed to the latest snapshot."

My question is, how can you programmatically direct connections to the latest snapshot?

Does anyone have a suggestion, or know what the article is getting at? We will use SQL Server Reporting services to query off of the database snapshot.

Thank you,


hi racer,

You can change your connection string to connect directly to the database snapshot.

database snapshot are treated as a new copy of the database



|||And programatically means that you can do one of two things. You can either interrogate sys.databases for the most recent creation date or you can use a standard naming convention and direct based on the naming convention.

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